In addition to the big churches you'll find some small independent churches mainly
in the bigger towns like Prenzlau, where some christians gather together. But their
number in percentage to the whole population is much smaller than in other parts
of the Federal Republic of Germany.
What is my part in the whole thing you'll might ask yourself just rightnow.
Well, the "secret" of the early christianity was, that simple, not high educated
people like tentmakers, fishermen, shepards, were ready to go. The book of Acts testifies
about this: these people were moved by the Word of God and the Gospel of the risen Christ,
and shared it in the wide world.
These people just went, there was no need of a "Mission outreach" or whatever organisation.
They didn't need to study theology or absolve bible schools for years. The love to Jesus
and the knowledge of his ultimate presence and working was drive enough for them to move.
We don't want to question the neccessity of pastors and educated missionaries in the
classical sence. But these people are not enough, by the way, who should pay them.
Christians are needed, who are ready to be called, to move into these areas, and
testify about Him who is living in them.
Surely, the start in these areas with a very high rate of unemployment is far
from easy. New concepts are needed.